Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

Announcement for the business plan competition (presentation event)

Category: Competition

The business plan competition within Formula Student (presentation event) is more than other parts of the competition a possibility for you to prove your ability to identify and communicate business administrative knowledge - in short you can demonstrate your capability to "think business". Regarding and understanding this means to accept that this part of competition is the one with the lowest "race car content", but is driven by the need for an investment decision.

Therefore the judges will be experts in presenting and deciding about investment alternatives, rather than experts in race cars. 

Considering this we are proud that we attracted Mr. Onno Schüssler who works in the Corporate Strategy Team of the Linde AG and has long lasting experience in top management consulting to act as the chief presentation judge.

In order to enable you to carry out an optimal preparation we are currently creating some framework and advice about the content and the way of presenting your project. You will find this advice within the next weeks on the website.

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