Formula Student Germany
International Design Competition - 18th to 24th of August 2025 in Hockenheim

News Details

An outlook on FSG 2021 and the following seasons

Category: Competition 2021 2022

FSG is pushing the Driverless development even farther, while keeping all mechanical engineering development. Thereby we want to set a challenging exercise for diverse engineering teams and give all participating students the chance to focus on their subject, while being in constant exchange with other departments within their team.

At FSG 2021, there will be only two classes: FSC and FSE. In both classes the Acceleration event has to be completed in driverless mode only. FSD merges with FSC and FSE. Therefore, all vehicles are supposed to have the driverless technology on board. Teams that do not have driverless technology implemented in their vehicles or are not able to do the Acceleration event in driverless mode are still allowed to compete in all other dynamic events. These events will take place with a driver. Moreover, every team may compete for an additional driverless trophy by driving the supplemental driverless disciplines.

If you are currently a FSC or FSE team, you need to develop driverless technology to be able to participate in the Acceleration event in 2021. The rest of the competition will stay the same in 2021. If you already developed your vehicle to run DV Skid-Pad, DV Autocross and Trackdrive, you may participate in the additional DV trophy as well.

If you are a FSD team, you need to join forces with your FSC or FSE team and develop together only one new vehicle for the season 2021. This vehicle will then participate in FSC or FSE. You still may run the additional FSD disciplines (DV Skid-Pad, DV Autocross and Trackdrive) to win the extra Driverless Trophy.

As of FSG 2022, Skid-Pad will also be mandatory in driverless mode next to Acceleration for all teams in both classes. In the following years, the Autocross and Endurance events will still be run with a driver inside the car.

We will offer a workshop and other materials next year to help you with these new challenges.

Partners of FSG 2025