The FSG Registration Quiz will be held on 2020-01-31 13:00 CET. FSG 2020 will be held from 2020-08-17 until 2020-08-23 in Hockenheim. Both of these days have been chosen in coordination with the other European Formula Student Events.

All of European registration quizzes will take place on 2020-01-31, spaced two hours apart. This will give all of you the opportunity to take part in all of them while only having to gather “the Quiz Team” for one day. The single-day registration together with overlapping payment periods (also from non-quiz-competitions!) will create a period of time where you will know which competitions are available to you without having to have committed (i.e. paid) to one yet.

Additional details about the FSG Quiz will be published in the upcoming weeks.
Below you can find the schedule for all of the european events.

See you at FSG 2020!